On Thu, 22 Sep 2016 07:42:38 -0400 James Valleroy
<jvalle...@mailbox.org> wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Sep 2016 08:00:56 +0530 Sunil Mohan Adapa <su...@medhas.org>
> wrote:
> >
> > In the upcoming release of Plinth, Plinth runs as non-root user
> > Everything is ready for it, however, for users upgrading from older
> > version,
> > the ownership of the /var/lib/plinth/plinth.sqlite3 file needs to be
> > changed
> > from root:root to plinth:plinth. Otherwise, Plinth won't be able to
> > anymore unable to write to its own state file.
> >
> This seems to already be done with the current postinst. When I upgrade
> plinth, the files under /var/lib/plinth and /var/log/plinth are owned by
> plinth, where they were previously owned by root.

However there is still an issue for new installs. Although those folders
are owned by plinth, the db and log files are initially created by
"plinth --setup", which is run as root. We may need to patch
data/usr/lib/freedombox/setup.d/86_plinth/ to change the owner of these
files after "plinth --setup".

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