Package: marco
Version: 1.14.2
Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Havoc Pennington, Red Hat, Inc., and others
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 

distribution: stretch

maybe i should cc this to the fedora team?

marco icon and windows rendering is flawed and poses a grave error. icons 
cannot be moved, rendering cannot be taken over by another compositor as marco 
is in charge of 'windows' rendering.

there used to be an option for 2d or 3d compositing..its gone.

icons have heavy blurring or heavy drop shadows that werent there a few days 
ago when we updated.

one theme is flawed but this is not a theme issue and the flawed theme 
otherwise works.

as a result MATE cannot be used.As a similar result, neither can cinnamon with 
3d rendering enabled.

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