tag 349492 patch


On Monday 23 January 2006 11:10, you wrote:
> Provide a patch for it, please.

I think it's your duty to provide good documentation as you know the package 
best. ("Our priorities are our users...") 

Nonetheless I've tried to come up with a patch, though I won't be surprised if 
you don't take it as I might have done mistakes and you know the package much 
better. Then my time would have been wasted (only 5min. but still) - that's 
why I think it's unreasonable to ask users of a software to provide 
documentation fixes.

> I hope we can move splashy to unstable as soon as possible. It miss
> some important bugs fixes yet but this should change fast.

If those bugs are *important*, then please file them into the BTS! As this 
package is in experimental, of course I have looked into the BTS to see if 
there are important or serious problems. But I found none - should I worry 
now ?

The social contract also states: "we won't hide problems".

--- splashy.README.Debian.h01ger2	2006-01-23 15:35:24.000000000 +0100
+++ splashy.README.Debian	2006-01-23 15:42:25.000000000 +0100
@@ -5,6 +5,17 @@
 A boot splash program that doesn't require patching the Linux kernel.
 It paints graphic images directly to framebuffers using libdirectfb.
+You might want to look at http://splashy.alioth.debian.org/wiki/doku.php?id=faq
+Using other fb drivers
+For other fb drivers you need to both specify vga= and video=, for example like this:
+video=radeonfb:[EMAIL PROTECTED] vga=795
 Known Bugs:
 "Image is too little" work around:

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