On Sep 28, 2016, at 04:52 PM, Martin Pitt wrote:

>First, thanks for working on this! I'd love to make it straightfoward
>to test a github branch with a single autopkgtest invocation.

Seems pretty easy!  Attached is the patch.  I tested this with both GitHub and
GitLab branches and pull/merge requests.  E.g. all the following work nicely:

$ autopkgtest https://gitlab.com/user/project.git
$ autopkgtest https://gitlab.com/user/project.git#branchname
$ autopkgtest https://gitlab.com/user/project.git#merge-requests/1/head

$ autopkgtest https://github.com/user/project.git
$ autopkgtest https://github.com/user/project.git#branchname
$ autopkgtest https://github.com/user/project.git#refs/pull/1/merge

Each stanza above describes the master branch, a specific other branch, and
the respective hosting services' names for pull/merge requests.
From 0a7a2a4a5918677237ea2ae57befec2bd443aee9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Barry Warsaw <ba...@ubuntu.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 13:08:58 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Support url#refspec format.

First, I fixed the bug in the previously supported url#branch syntax,
where the code expected a space separator but the documentation
described the # separator.

Next, this generalizes the approach so that GitHub style PR refspecs,
e.g. refs/68/merge also work after the #.  Since the code paths are
identical now, we get both for free.
 runner/autopkgtest | 23 +++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runner/autopkgtest b/runner/autopkgtest
index 8b583cf..d45696e 100755
--- a/runner/autopkgtest
+++ b/runner/autopkgtest
@@ -389,14 +389,14 @@ def build_source(kind, arg, built_binaries):
                           'if [ -n "$RC" ]; then if echo "$OUT" | grep -q "Unable to find a source package"; then exit 1; else exit $RC; fi; fi;'
                           'echo "$OUT" | grep ^Get: || true' % {'src': arg})
     elif kind == 'git-source':
-        fields = arg.split()
-        if len(fields) == 1:
-            create_command = "git clone '%s' || { sleep 15; git clone '%s'; }" % (arg, arg)
-        elif len(fields) == 2:
-            create_command = "git clone --branch '%(b)s' '%(u)s' || { sleep 15; git clone --branch '%(b)s' '%(u)s'; }" \
-                % {'b': fields[1], 'u': fields[0]}
+        url, sep, branch = arg.partition('#')
+        create_command = "git clone '%s' || { sleep 15; git clone '%s'; }" % (url, url)
+        if sep == '#':
+            # This is url#branch or url#refspec (for pull requests).
+            fetch_command = "git fetch -fu origin '%s:testbranch' || { sleep 15; git fetch -fu origin '%s:testbranch'; }" % (branch, branch)
-            adtlog.bomb('--git-source argument must be "URL" or "URL branchname"')
+            # This is just a plain url.
+            fetch_command = None
         testbed.satisfy_dependencies_string('git, ca-certificates', 'install git for --git-source')
@@ -419,10 +419,17 @@ def build_source(kind, arg, built_binaries):
         'chmod -R a+rX .',
         'cd [a-z0-9]*/.',
+    ]
+    if fetch_command is not None:
+        script.extend([
+            fetch_command,
+            "git checkout -qf testbranch || { sleep 15; git checkout -qf testbranch; }"
+        ])
+    script.extend([
         'pwd >&3',
         'sed -n "1 {s/).*//; s/ (/\\n/; p}" debian/changelog >&3',
         'set +e; grep -q "^Restrictions:.*\\bbuild-needed\\b" debian/tests/control 2>/dev/null; echo $? >&3'
-    ]
+    ])
     (result_pwd, testpkg_name, testpkg_version, build_needed_rc) = \
         source_rules_command(script, 'extract', results_lines=4)

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