On Thu, 29 Sep 2016, Ab B wrote:
> I've only looked at ubuntu but it seems like it's maintained at least
> there.  It looks like mint 15 which dw says is the most popular distro
> seems to use it.

It is gone from Ubuntu.  It will not be present in their next stable
release, refer to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd-shim

AFAIK, that means the maintenance it will get in Ubuntu will be the
usual for deep-maintenance-only mode packages in stable releases, i.e.
security fixes and critical issues only.

> And I think your predictions sound a little dire.  I'm no expert but
> systemd does seem to be a very active project, which made me
> concerned, but their external interfaces are fairly stable.  That
> leads me to hope that maintaining a shim will require a lot less
> effort than it could in a scenario like the one you suggest.

The shim is not perfect, and cgmanager is also missing functionality...
should that cause important issues, it needs fixing and improvements

> If upstream wants to pass the torch and someone takes it up that's
> great.  If upstream just drops the project, then, well, that's a
> problem for ~14k debian users and a lot more users from other distros.

AFAIK, there are no users from other distros.  Derivatives *usually*
don't count as help for this kind of package: they depend on the work
done by either Debian or Ubuntu.  And it has just lost all Ubuntu
derivatives such as Linux Mint, along with Ubuntu.

> One thing I'd like to do is reach out to sysd-shim maintainers in
> other distros.

I wish you good luck with that.  I don't even know of any non-derivative
distros that use systemd-shim...  maybe some of the Debian derivatives
will be interested in helping, but usually that would mean they would be
doing the work in Debian directly already.

> But, in the end, sysd-shim seems to be a fairly recent release.  I'd
> like to try to nurse it along for the next couple of months and see
> how things go.

Eh, as long as you actually know what you are signing up for.  If you
want an easy package, *this one is not going to be it in the long run*
unless someone else helps with the upstream side, that is.

This assumes the current upstream did not have a change of heart and is
now enthusiastic about maintaining systemd-shim or something ;-)

> I personally don't have any plans right now to take over upstream, but
> maybe that will change if I get more familiar with the code.

That would be really nice, yes.  I hope you will do it.

  Henrique Holschuh

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