Adrian Bunk <> writes:

> On Thu, Oct 06, 2016 at 09:48:02AM +0200, Vincent Bernat wrote:
>>  ❦  5 octobre 2016 22:49 CEST, Philip Hands <> :
>> > If you fancy explaining what you think browserified means w.r.t. the
>> > Jison stuff, go ahead of course.  That might at least help to focus the
>> > discussion a bit.  Just don't feel obliged to because I said so.
>> The libjs-handlebars issue has little to share with browserified
>> JS. Browserified JS is usually just concatenated JS. Here, there is an
>> equivalent of flex/bison involved. That's quite unusual and is more a
>> build process. If the TC rules over this issue, it should drop the
>> "browserified" part. Otherwise, a negative answer would also apply to
>> more basic packages.
> Why is Grunt such a blocker here?
> If I understand it correctly, Grunt is a powerful build system that can 
> do a gazillion different things and has many dependencies.
> For the basic browserified JS case, could a much simpler tool like
> node-browserify-lite produce the same output?

Sadly, it seems that's not as simple as one would hope -- see:

and the referenced:

which seem to illustrate the tangled mess we're talking about.

BTW I must applaud Praveen's tenacity, as exhibited in these bug logs,
while getting this stuff packaged, and I do understand that it must be
really frustrating to have been swimming upstream against this for so
long only for the result to still be deemed unfit for main.

That said, I think they really are unfit for 'main' at present. :-/

(in no small part because of the fragility that is highlighted by that
upstream bug log -- if we are not able to lock down the versions of all
the packages and tools in question, by packaging them, how is this sort
of thing ever going to be brought to a point of sanity?)

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,    GERMANY

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