I would also prefer it if apt-file list would "list all files included
in _a_ package" instead of listing all the files in multiple packages.

The attached patch gets closer. If two packages have the same base-name
and supply the same file then I believe it will still list them multiply.

Even without this patch, using -F makes apt-file only list packages with
the exact same name and can be a mostly usable alternative for most cases.

With or without the patch using -F fails to list files that are in
multiple packages so that could be improved. In the postfix example
apt-file -F list postfix excludes usr/lib/sendmail and others with a
package part like package1,package2,package3.

--- apt-file	2005-05-05 10:00:12.000000000 -0600
+++ apt-file-jla	2006-01-23 22:59:51.723666340 -0700
@@ -193,6 +193,8 @@
 	    next if ! (($pack, $file) = /$regexp/);
 	    debug_line ".";
 	    foreach (split /,/, $file) {
+	    	next if ($Conf->{action} eq 'list' 
+			&& $_ !~ /$Conf->{pattern}/);
 		push @{$ret->{$pack}}, basename $_;

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