On Tue, 11 Oct 2016, Slaven Rezic wrote:
> the deprecation notice was removed in version 1.29.
> Currently Image::Info is already at version 1.39, and got a number
> of bug fixes (including preventing possible segfaults) and
> also security fixes (XXE processing is not allowed anymore
> since 1.38_50). Probably it's a good idea to upgrade the
> module in Debian.

Ah, cool. Thanks for working on this; I think the watchfile issue is why
I hadn't noticed these updates previously.

I'll work on getting the new version uploaded.

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

"What, now?"
"Soon equates to good, later to worse, Uagen Zlepe, scholar.
Therefore, immediacy."
  -- Iain M. Banks _Look to Windward_ p 213

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