At the Extremadura meeting we did a little bit of research on possible
options for having a shell on G-I; linking will have to be done
against the gtk+-directfb libs rather than standard gtk+.
Should be fairly easy to use one the following:

* vte (see [1])
footprint seems to be about 800Kb, IMO far too big for our needs
(haven't played with compile options, so there might be a set of
options which might save some space)

* dfbterm (see [2])
part of the Directfb project, around 120Kb.
I just compiled it: it needs "lite" ([3]) for compiling and libutil at
runtime. It's possible to remove the dependency from lite (this is
what dok said).
Attilio will run some tests with this.

The general idea is to use tabs (like firefox does for example), so
that on the main tab is displayed the g-i, and on other tabs we can
use the terminals, reachable with a simple mouse click rather than via



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