Vincent Bernat writes ("Bug#841294: Overrule maintainer of "global" to package 
a new upstream version"):
> Ron Lee is the current maintainer and disagrees on some issues with
> upstream and therefore don't want to update to a more recent
> version. See bug #574947:

Looking at the bug logs, Ron has failed in the one non-delegatable,
non-negotiable task for the Debian maintainer of a package: namely, to
make appropriate decisions with respect to the package and then to
communicate those decisions.

Even if the decision to keep the new upstream version out of Debian is
correct, Ron has failed to provide a coherent explanation.  He has
failed to engage with those who were willing and ready to do the work.

I think the package would be best served by having a new maintainer.

(Sadly I don't think the TC is likely to agree with me.  Historically
the TC has very very slow to act against maintainers who block other
people's work and who do not communicate properly.)

Anyway, good luck.


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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