I stumbled over this issue with various Qt5 applications on Debian
Sid, too, and had initially reported my issue here:


Switching the VNC viewer does not seem to help, I tried
xtightvncviewer and krdc.

Not only the TightVNC server, but also the RealVNC one
(vnc4server package) seem to be affected. TigerVNC on the other
hand works like a charm (which is my current workaround for this
issue for now).

Noticeably, on TightVNC and RealVNC, I get this error message,
while on TigerVNC I don't:

"Qt: XKEYBOARD extension not present on the X server."

So looks like James initial investigations lead to the right

Unfortunately, this report on the Qt bugtracker indicates that it
was closed and deemed "out of scope" and that VNC servers should
implement this XKEYBOARD extension :-( :


This ticket also has some nice explanations why Qt5 has this issue
and Qt4 doesn't (e.g. the preference of libxkbcommon over xlib in

Regards, Linus

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