On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 10:14:11PM +0200, Andreas Henriksson wrote:

> The above mentioned upload was done as a source-only upload.
> It built successfully not only in my local environment but also on *all*
> architectures (and thus on atleast one buildd for each architecture).
> This is obviously a problem in your environment.

No, I think it's not, because it also happened in the official
autobuilders several times. For example:



PASS: rygel-searchable-container-test
PASS: rygel-object-creator-test
PASS: rygel-database-test
../build-aux/test-driver: line 107: 17241 Aborted                 "$@" > 
$log_file 2>&1
FAIL: rygel-media-engine-test
PASS: rygel-playbin-renderer-test
PASS: rygel-environment-test

It's more like a bug which happens randomly (with low probability) and
it's still unfixed, but definitely not a problem in my environment.


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