Hmmm... OK, I see...

My fault if I'm using testing, then ;)

Hmmm... Any way to warn users of testing maybe ? DWN ?

It would be so bad if lots of people would get /var full because of this


Le mardi 24 janvier 2006 à 19:41 +0100, Christian Hammers a écrit :
> tags 349661 + wontfix confirmed
> thanks
> Hello Olivier
> On 2006-01-24 Olivier Berger wrote:
> > The value KEEP_BINARY_LOGS is at 0 by default in
> > /etc/mysql/debian-log-rotate.conf 
> The value was probably indeed not choosen very well but I can't change
> it for the already released Debian Sarge release any more.
> In the next Debian release, which will only ship MySQL 5.0, the binary
> logging will be configurable via expire-logs-days in /etc/mysql/my.cnf
> which will be set to a value of 20. The cronscript will then be superflous.
> bye,
> -christian-
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