On Sun 2016-07-17 06:46:07 -0400, Ximin Luo wrote:
> I am trying to do a source-only upload [1] of the new rustc. I prefer to do
> source-only uploads because I like to have the buildds rebuild my amd64
> packages, for safety and security. Other reasons are documented on that page.
> With every new version of rustc, we have a new libstd-rust-$version binary
> package. This causes every upload to be added to NEW, which triggers the "no
> source-only uploads" rule, causing my upload to be REJECTED. IMO this is a bit
> pointless - the binary:NEW is not really a significant change, and if I wanted
> to "game the system" there are plenty of things I could do whilst keeping the
> binary package names the same. I can understand ftp-master wanting to do a
> manual audit regardless, but to turn this into an automatic REJECT simply
> because I didn't supply binary packages that I built myself, is inconvenient
> and defeats the purpose of the SourceOnlyUpload feature.

I'd like source-only uploads to NEW in general, not just for minor
changes in binary packaging.  

Looks like it might just be a configuration change
(Dinstall::AllowSourceOnlyNew) in modern versions of DAK:


Could we get this for debian's NEW queue?


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