Package: usrmerge
Version: 12
Severity: important


Today I upgraded one of my mipsel machines to stretch. The machine is
an Ubiquiti ER8 router and because it doesn't have a hard disk
controller, it's booted using nfsroot.

After upgrading, I tried to install usrmerge which gave:

Setting up usrmerge (12) ...                                        
FATAL ERROR:                                                                    
Can't rename('/sbin/.nfs00000000003efaa000000995~~tmp~usrmerge~~', 
'/sbin/.nfs00000000003efaa000000995'): Device or resource busy at 
/usr/lib/convert-usrmerge line 98
You can try correcting the errors reported and running again                    
/usr/lib/convert-usrmerge until it will complete without errors.          
Do not install or update other Debian packages until the program              
has been run successfully.                                             
dpkg: error processing package usrmerge (--configure):                    
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 
Processing triggers for man-db (2.7.5-1) ...                                
Errors were encountered while processing:                                   
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

I then had to convert the machine to usrmerge the painful way. A
warning message for anyone using nfsroot would be nice.

I was thinking that it may be possible to fix this if the machine was
rebooted halfway though (after all the files have been moved, but all
the file symlinks still present), but I don't know if that would work.


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