Hi Mehdi, That’s awesome! Changing the code is definitely preferable, as long as the code works with older versions of MySQL.
To check this, I tried building SLURM in a Jessie COWbuilder installation. In order to test, one dependency had to be changed in the control file: Change “default-libmysqlclient-dev” to “libmysqlclient-dev”. The test took place with OpenSSL 1.0.1 (specifically, OpenSSL source package version 1.0.1t-1+deb8u3). I also tried building for Ubuntu Xenial (again using COWbuilder), which has OpenSSL package version 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.5. This also required changing the control file, as with Jessie. I did not test in Wheezy, because there are other dependency issues (like a minimum debhelper version) that would need to be changed. I also did not test on Ubuntu Trusty. Both builds were able to complete. You can download the results here: Debian Jessie (16.05.6-2~sbp81+1, for jessie-backports): https://stanford.box.com/s/tehux7vh57w75k9sfjjpt0s0sjiugor1 Ubuntu Xenial (16.05.6-2~sbp16.04+1, for xenial-backports: https://stanford.box.com/s/opnjc8ab5dqzrwwp3qi2rutvfa1mu51l (I’ll keep each links working until the bug is fixed upstream) “sbp” stands for “Stanford Backport”, since this isn’t an official backport. Each .tar.gz has all of the stuff you would need to upload to a repository of your own, so you can either install the .deb files manually, or you could use the .changes file to upload to a repository of your own. The versions are numbered so that when Gennaro releases 16.05.6-2 (or something later), that will take precedence over the ones I built. Unfortunately, I don’t think your patch would be able to work directly, because the quilt build process requires that the original code be untouched; all of the changes to source have to be Quilt patches. So, I’ve taken your patch and converted it into a quilt patch! I’m attaching to this email a Git commit patch that creates the quilt patch, and updates the patch series list. So, here are the next steps that I would suggest: * Mehdi, you should go to https://bugs.schedmd.com, create an account, open bug 3226, and attach your patch (the original one you sent me). I’m asking you to do it because you are the author, so you should get the credit for it. * Anyone who wants to test on Jessie or Xenial can use one of the builds that I made. * In the meantime, if Gennaro decides to go forward with your code, he could use the quilt patch I’ve attached here. Thanks much for the patch! ~ Karl
Description: 0001-Add-support-for-OpenSSL-1.1.patch