On 3 November 2016 at 10:28, Tianon Gravi <tia...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 3 November 2016 at 10:19, Rod Smith <rodsm...@rodsbooks.com> wrote:
>> Note, however, that I have no NVMe or similar devices on which to test.
>> The new code does the right thing on my /dev/sd? devices, and I think it
>> SHOULD work on more exotic devices.
> I don't personally have an NVMe system I can test the script as-is on,
> but I tested that specific block of code on a friend's system which
> does have NVMe, and I got "/dev/nvme0n1" for InstallDisk and "p1" for
> PartNum from his "/boot" partition, so it looks like this code is
> correct. :)

Although now that I say that, it occurs to me that PartNum might
actually need to be simply "1", not "p1", right?

- Tianon
  4096R / B42F 6819 007F 00F8 8E36  4FD4 036A 9C25 BF35 7DD4

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