On Wed, 2 Nov 2016, Jeff King wrote:

On Wed, Nov 02, 2016 at 11:00:34AM -0400, Matthew Gabeler-Lee wrote:

Some things I've noticed going from 49.0-4 to 49.0-5 that I'm inferring are
related to turning on GTK+3:

One thing I've noticed that you didn't mention: on my hi-dpi display the
widget fonts are tiny after the move to GTK+3 (e.g., address bar, tab
titles, anything not rendered HTML).

I do run GNOME, and it works fine on my HiDPI screen there.

Do you have some value set for layout.css.devPixelsPerPx, or is it the default -1?

I don't run GNOME, but I do have "dconf" installed. Tweaking
"/org/gnome/desktop/interface/scaling-factor" (and text-scaling-factor)
has no effect.

In my GNOME environment, the first is 0 and the second is 1, and yet I get proper sized stuff in HiDPI nonetheless.

However, the gnome-tweak-tool shows the "Window scaling" as 2.

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away".
                -- Philip K. Dick
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