Hi Raphael,
On 11:14 Thu 03 Nov     , Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Hello Apollon,
> mongodb dropped the C++ client driver that it used to provide in
> mongodb-dev in favor of https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver
Indeed, as of 2.6 the drivers are no longer part of the server package.
However, the mongo-cxx-driver is already packaged in Debian as
libmongoclient-dev. It might make sense to ping the maintainer to
provide mongodb-dev from the mongo-cxx-driver-legacy source.

> Is there ane alternate client library that you recommend?

The C driver is already in the archive[1], maintained by an upstream
developer. This should pave the road to package the new (v3) version of
mongocxx[2], which is something I could look into.

[1] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/libmongoc
[2] https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-cxx-driver/mongocxx-v3/


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