On 4 Nov 2016, at 19:29, Thomas Goirand <z...@debian.org> wrote:

> Upstream does *not* support "jumping" version.

Yeah, that I’ve heard as well :(. I personally think that’s a horrible stance, 
but there
you go..

> I haven't said we should blame upstream

In a way you do.. “Upstream did that”, “Upstream don’t support that”, “Upstream 

_I THINK_ (and I’m pretty sure that’s impossible in many way) you should 
yourself from Upstream more and think of this as _YOUR_ project. And _YOUR_

Whatever/whenever you see something that needs to be done, “just” do it and
ignore what Upstream think or doesn’t think about it.

That is “somewhat difficult” in a small to medium sized project. With something
as _HUGE_ as Openstack, with so many interdependent projects, that’s going
to next to impossible. But still..

> The normal workflow is to push all to Experimental until the day of the
> release, where all of it is pushed to Sid.

Is that workflow _clearly_ stated somewhere [where I should have read it]?

> You're now aware of the workflow, so I guess it wont be a surprise for
> you next time.

Well.. I have a lot of thinks on my plate, as do we all. I don’t think I have 
time to monitor (in detail) everything that happens with all the OS projects
and try to anticipate the release schedules etc..

So a heads up, say a week (or a few days would suffice) in advance would
still be nice.

> I just make the assumption that users know already because they've been
> following what happened before. Maybe the process should be documented
> somewhere in https://wiki.debian.org/OpenStack/

I can’t say for everyone else, but I think OS is starting to be _somewhat_ more
mainstream now. It’s not just a proof of concept, a development project which
is only for the few..

So I think [slightly] more care needs to be taken. That’s not just for 
but any change in the package(s). However small. ANY change needs to be
thought of from the perspective “how will this affect _the large majority”?

> if we want improvements on the documentation side of
> the packages, it is my view that we need more contributors.

It would be nice if you “could take the time” (LOL :) and put something together
on what the current state of Openstack (as a whole) is, who’s doing what. But
also what the short term plans is and also the _long term_ goals.

Something like a TODO list with “being worked on”, “long term”, “short term”
and “done” levels of the list items.

That way it might be easier for people to jump in and help where they think
they can help.

I’ve always promised that once my time slots opens up a little, I’ll start 
at least documentation.

> https://review.openstack.org/393917

Yeah, I was actually think the same last night. Even if I would have needed
local changes, I would have (eventually) realised by looking at the depends
list that I was doing the right thing..

> It would still need manual neutron.conf tweaks though.

It’s not perfect, but I can live with that. PROVIDED I’m told, in simple terms, 
I should do.

> I know that the last month upload of libjs-jquery 3.x broke Horizon too.

In what way, something that could explain that error? That seems to be more
a Django problem (and in another thread, it seems to have been “proven”).

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