Control: block -1 by 843040 842815

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort a écrit le 05/11/2016 à 17:29 :
> Control: tags -1 confirmed
> On 04/11/16 14:45, Gilles Filippini wrote:
>> Gilles Filippini a écrit le 02/11/2016 à 19:05 :
>>> Hi,
>>> Good news: every hdf5 reverse dependency but 8 is now 'binnmu OK'. The
>>> remainder is:
>>> * shogun              FTBFS unrelated to hdf5 - not in testing - #809290
>>> * tessa               FTBFS unrelated to hdf5 - not in testing - #817690
>>> * aster               FTBFS unrelated to hdf5 - not in testing - #837915
>>> * deal.ii             BD uninstallable - not in testing
>>> * odin                FTBFS unrelated to hdf5 - not in testing - #835746
>>> * libsis-jhdf5-java   #842815 - Very low popcon - No reverse depends
>>>   will need some more time because part of this java wrapper library
>>>   is now shipped with the HDF5 source tree
>>> * yorick-hdf5         #842817 - temporary fix uploaded to experimental
>>> * pytables            almost done - FTBFS on big endian arches
>>> IMO the only showstopper is now pytables, which will hopefully resolve
>>> in the coming days.
>> Update:
>> * yorick-hdf5         #842817 - final fix uploaded to experimental
>> * pytables            Affected by #843040 - Tested patch pending
>> There isn't any blocker left but libsis-jhdf5-java which has a very low
>> popcon and no reverse dependencies. Can we agree for a transition slot
>> before the freeze?
> Yes, this is looking very good, so I'm acking it. But please don't upload just
> yet, I'll give you the go in a few days when things are a bit calmer (there 
> are
> just too many transitions at the moment).
> And please mark any remaining bugs as blocking this one.

Done, excepted for the 'not in testing' ones. Unless you'd want these
marked as well?



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