severity 843251 grave
Yes i386.
And you know what?
the user cannot ever boot his computer ever again, even from grub
menus' "(recovery mode)".

ER> I can confirm this behaviour. Be care to reboot:
ER> If booting with systemd you will be pulled in maintenance mode.

No you (I) will never get a prompt again, all one sees

>> 11月 05 22:03:39 jidanni2 systemd[1]: systemd-udevd.service: Failed with 
>> result 'timeout'.
>> 11月 05 22:03:39 jidanni2 systemd[1]: systemd-udevd.service: Service has no 
>> hold-off time, scheduling restart.

is repeating every 90 seconds.

You see if **any** of these systemd processes have "no hold-off time" or
something like that, they will loop over and over every 90 seconds.
***There should be a limit of one loop***. Else the user will never be
able to boot his computer again, no matter how many choices there are in
the grub menu.

Please tell me how to fix my computer to boot now. I am using a
different one to write this message.

Apparently I have to go to the grub command line, somehow mount the root file
system, and remove one of your /etc/ files.

Maybe it is /lib/systemd/system/systemd-journald.service . Will that fix
it? Thanks!!

Indeed my computer has separate /, /home, and /var .
However I can only tell you that because I kept a record of their
configuration on a different computer. Other users won't be able to
answer because they won't be able to boot to tell you.

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