quoting from /etc/mail/sendmail.conf:

# HANDS_OFF="No"; Binary  Do *NOT* touch the configuration
#       Set this *ONLY* if you are going to be fully responsible for the entire
#       setup of sendmail - the directories, permissions, databases, etc.  With
#       this variable set to "Yes", nothing will be done for you during updates.
#       In other words, "The blood be upon your hands" if you set this...
#       My ability to help with problems will be greatly reduced !
#       "Well, a pet peeve of mine is people who directly edit the
#       .cf file instead of using the m4 configuration files.
#       Don't do it! [laughs] I treat the .cf file as a binary
#       file - you should too."
#               --  Eric Allman 1999/10/18
#               http://www.dotcomeon.com/allman_sendmail_qa.html

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