Package: sbuild
Version: 0.72.0-2

Currently, when adding a changelog stanza for a binnmu (or when
appending to the version number is requested for another reason),
sbuild uses the existing source changelog timestamp when inventing
the changelog entry for the binnmu itself:

This causes problems because it means that (in the usual case) the
rebuilt package has files with the same timestamps as the previous
build, but different contents.  So on the end system, the timestamps
cani be misleading, causing malfunction of backup programs etc.  (Eg
an upgrade to a binnmu would be captured only partially in a backup,
leading to lossage.)

AIUI there were two reasons why this particular timestamp was (might
have been) chosen:

Firstly, part of an early attempt to assist multiarch by making all
the changelogs identical on different architectures.  But in fact, the
changelog is not identical in any case (because different
architectures may have differently version-numbered binnmus).  So the
binnmu changelog entry is nowadays put in a separate file, and need
not be the same on different architectures.

Secondly, an attempt to assist reproducible builds.  But the
reproducible build output necessarily includes the complete binnmu
changelog entry; therefore the complete binnmu changelog entry is an
input to a repro-build attempt.  It is indeed contained in the
Binary-Only-Changes field of the .buildinfo.

Subsequent binnmu builds of the same package should generate packages
containing increasing timestamps.  The best timestamp to use is the
timestamp of the build attempt.

So, sbuild should use `date -R`[1] instead of the date from the last
changelog entry in the source package, when generating the binnmu
changelog entry.

[1] Actually, sbuild seems to have a tweakable parameter
"Pkg Start Time" which looks like it would be appropriate, so
something like this:
   my $date = strftime_c "%FT%TZ", gmtime($self->get('Pkg Start Time'));

Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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