Steve Langasek <> writes:

> I was looking at this recently, and wanted to get things set up properly to
> use a debian/watch file.


> Do you happen to know why the following watch file doesn't find the
> new release with 'uscan'?
>   version=3

uscan --report --debug shows that it's confused by
unixODBC-Beta1.0.6.tar.gz.  Changing the capture to ([0-9].*) avoids
that, choosing 2.3.5-pre.  To recognise such versions properly, I use
uversionmangle like this:

opts=uversionmangle=s/(\d)[_\.\-\+]?((RC|rc|pre|dev|beta|alpha)\d*)$/$1~$2/ \[0-9].*)\.tar\.gz

Unfortunately (judging by the file list) unixODBC upstream is even more
inventive about release numbering, so this may still need extending.

> I'd like to get this sorted so that I can do a "proper" update now and going
> forward, but uscan syntax and behavior has always seemed unnecessarily
> opaque to me.

I have to agree.  I think version=4 is supposed to help with that.

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