Le Ven 27 Janvier 2006 11:38, Joost Cassee a écrit :
> Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 06:00:52PM +1000, David Young wrote:
> >> Since the recent patch of sudo (DSA-946-1) started filtering the
> >> HOME environment variable (leaving it unset), Vim:
> >
> > Could you please provide more info on this?
> >
> > On a sid box I already have the version of sudo including the fix
> > (1.6.8p12-1), but I'm unable to reproduce the behaviour you are
> > reporting, thus I'm tagging the bug as "unreproducible".  Details
> > of my tests follow.
> >
> > I tried both running "sudo -s" (as root) and "sudo vim" (as a user
> > who has the permission to run "/usr/bin/vim" via sudo). In the
> > former case "$HOME" is set correctly to "/root", in the latter case
> > vim starts properly without exhibiting any of the problems you
> > reported.
> I can confirm this behaviour. Indeed, the variable HOME is unset.
> This can be fixed in /etc/sudoers by setting the 'always_set_home'
> flag or by running sudo with the -H option.
> sudo bug #203874 requests this option in the default sudoers file,
> but there was no answer from the sudo maintainer.
> I doubt think this bug can/should be fixed in the vim package.

I agree with that, having $HOME unset is a big problem for too many 
packages, and we discussed with Bram (vim's author), and we agreed that 
autodetecting user's home using Unix calls is not a good idea, because 
unsetting HOME is a common method to make program not source their 
DOTFILES e.g. (or not search for them when you have a NFS problem).

So I'd say this bug has to be reassigned to sudo.
·O·  Pierre Habouzit
··O                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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