On 20 November 2016 at 19:45, Michael Hudson-Doyle
<michael.hud...@canonical.com> wrote:
> Check out mwhudson/add-gccgo-go in the golang-defaults repo :)

Nice!  My only question after taking a look at the diff is whether our
"gccgo-go" relation on "golang-any" should be "(>=
${source:Version})", same as our "golang-go" relation?

>> To be clear, you're talking about adding a new "gccgo-go" virtual
>> binary package to "src:golang-defaults" which satisfies requests for
>> "golang-go" via Provides (and thus also provides "/usr/bin/go" via
>> alternatives or Conflicts)?
> I took out the Provides: bit for now, it seemed a bit icky, but yes.

Yeah, agreed, especially since switching to "golang-any" is supposed
to be the official way package maintainers can advertize that they
support gccgo properly.

I wonder how many packages currently depend on "golang-go" explicitly
rather than "golang-any".

>> Will this simplify the logic behind "golang-any"?
> Yeah. Actually, more than I had realised! Also pushed to my branch.

Very nice; love how much simpler this is in that regard!  Cheers!

- Tianon
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