I get similar messages when starting evince:

Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to get the GNOME session proxy: The name org.gnome.SessionManager is not owned

This is not only annoying. It can be badly confusing.

Today, at each attempt to start evince, it printed twice the
above message, then crashed. I did not realize that these
messages were not new, but had annoyed me since long. So
naturally, I assumed the cause of the crash to be somehow
related to the messages. This badly diverted me from the
real cause of the crash (/usr/lib/evince/evinced running
as a zombie), which had nothing at all to do with GNOME.
Once the evinced process was killed, I could start evince,
which then printed exactly the same warnings as before,
and worked.

Therefore, maintainers: Please deliver us from these warnings.

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