Le 21/11/2016 à 23:27, Dmitry Katsubo a écrit :
The question is: if I need to install mozjpeg together with libjpeg, what are 
options? Do I need to change the prefix to /usr/local for mozjpeg, and then use

$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libjpeg.so jpegtran -copy all <from.jpg> <to.jpg>

By default mozjpeg is installed in /opt/mozjpeg/. You don't even need to use LD_PRELOAD as the binary it installs is automatically linked to /opt/mozjpeg/lib64/libjpeg.so.

(The conflict issue I was raising is only if want to include mozjpeg in Debian and install it in /usr/.)

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