Hi, Florian,

على الإثنين 21 تشرين الثاني 2016 ‫01:22، كتب Florian Schlichting:
> in 2014 when I created the Debian git repo, I also created an
> 'upstream-ng' branch so I (or someone else - I never got to it) could
> step through the development of arpwatch-ng in a little more detail and
> decide if that's a better upstream to base the Debian package on. You
> can still find that branch on github:
>     https://github.com/fschlich/Debian-arpwatch/commits/upstream-ng
> Feel free to make use of any of it and push it to the git.d.o repo's
> upstream branch if you see fit - I'm glad if it's of use to anybody!
>> > * <http://freshmeat.net/projects/arpwatch-ng> redirects to
>> > <http://freecode.com/projects/arpwatch-ng>, and freecode is frozen since
>> > 2014[1]. It looks like the only way to contact upstream is to see
>> > whether freecode site support can help.
>> > 
>> > ...or fork the project again.
> I think the arpwatch-ng upstream is as dead as the arpwatch one. There
> are a few more repos and patches on github, but it doesn't look like
> anybody has stepped up to pick up the pieces. Still I think arpwatch
> continues to be useful, and if you find the time to look into the
> arpwatch-ng work and find it to be sensible, please go forth and upload
> a Debian package based on it!

Thanks for the information, but my interest in arpwatch was short-lived,
so I don't expect to be working on it. Your update might spark someone
else's interest, though, and it's good that it's now documented here.

Thanks and regards

Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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