Package: tomcat7
Version: 7.0.56-3+deb8u5
Severity: normal

After the security update 7.0.56-3+deb8u5, I get an error message:

ALLVARLIG: Servlet.service() for servlet [Faces Servlet] in context with
path [/mech] threw exception [Filter execution threw an exception] with
root cause
org.hibernate.HibernateException: Unable to determine appropriate
DataSource to use

This seems likely to be connected with the fix for bug #842666, but I am
not expert enough to determine whether this is due to misconfiguration,
a problem with the fix, a problem in Hibernate, or ...

It used to work with 7.0.56-3+deb8u4, and downgrading to 7.0.56-3+deb8u3
from stable also restores the functionality.

   <Resource name="jdbc/mechDB" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
              factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory" ... />
   <Resource name="jdbc/mechDB_ro" auth="Container"
              factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory" ... />

  <ResourceLink name="jdbc/mechDB" global="jdbc/mechDB_ro"


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