Hello and apologies for the delay,

على الأحد 23 تشرين الأول 2016 ‫06:52، كتب Guillem Jover:
> Control: tags -1 patch
> Control: retitle -1 adduser: Please accept underscore prefixed system names
> I've implemented a new SYS_NAME_REGEX so that at least system names
> can accept _-prefixed values. This is the standard used on various
> BSDs, it is vendor neutral (not just a Debianism), and it is short
> causing way less display problems.
> I don't think accepting _-prefixed names for normal users would be
> wise, as that would remove the namespaced disctinction.
> Having this in the archive would allow us to promote these system
> names, and use them w/o needing the --force-badname option!

This is somewhat similar to #432562. The difference, as I see it, is
capital letters + compatibility with Ubuntu versus underscores +
compatibility with BSDs. I don't see that any of the breakage concerns
originally raised in #432562 apply to this suggestion.

I am also in favor of reducing unnecessary incompatibilities that can
cause confusion. People of #432562, do you have any comments?


Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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