This has been pending with no action for more than 4 years now. Is there a strategy for moving forward? I see 3 realistic options:

1) upload the new upstream with a big warning in NEWS that things will break

2) upload the new upstream with a new name (this is less than ideal, because it will confuse people in perpetuity)

3) transition the current package to something like rng-tools-debian-legacy which replaces the current package with a transitional package and conflicts with future versions of rng-tools based on upstream. put this in stretch and upload upstream as rng-tools in stretch+1.

If 1) is unacceptable then I'd like to see 3) happen in stretch so this doesn't get dragged out for another release cycle.

I've personally just been using the ubuntu package to get the functionality that a lot of people are looking for, and it seems ridiculous for that to be debian's solution for 8 years...

Mike Stone

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