On Sun, Nov 06, 2016 at 07:40:34AM +0900, Tomoo Nomura wrote:
> Package: ibus
> Version: 1.5.14-1
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> After apt-get upgrade, I can't input any Japanese characters by

At any rate, please use "apt-get dist-upgrade" to ensure all packages
are upgraded properly.  You may have package upgrade problem.

> iseweasel, icedove, gimp and gnucash, while I can do it by
> Gnome-terminal and Libreoffice.  I try to install the latest
> Firefox(50.0) and Thunderbird(50.0b3) by hand, both work good.  I use

Are these Debian package by Debian or upstream packages.

> Anthy and Mozc, both behave samely.
> environments:
> tom-lin@nomura: env | grep ibus
> XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus

I have:
ii  firefox        50.0.2-1     amd64        Mozilla Firefox web browser
ii  ibus           1.5.14-1     amd64        Intelligent Input Bus - core
ii  ibus-anthy     1.5.6-1      amd64        anthy engine for IBus
ii  iceweasel      45.5.1esr-1  all          Web browser based on Firefox - Tr

It seems to work OK at here.  (I use anthy/ibus for Japanese under


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