Package: quagga
Severity: minor

Currently, not all users that belong to the group quaggavty are able
to modify the quagga’s configuration due to (incorrect?) permissions.
For example, having two members of quaggavty: usera and userb and
using integrated configuration file Quagga.conf. When usera writes the
configuration from vtysh the permissions for the file will be:

-rw-r----- 1 usera quaggavty 973 Dec  4 11:43 Quagga.conf

This prevents userb from writing the configuration with vtysh. I think
this package should be modified so that the permission for group
quaggavty is rw on the configuration files managed by vtysh. In theory
this can be easily achieved by passing --enable-configfile-mask=660 to
the configure script instead of the current value of 640. Not sure if
this has any security implications, but currently any member of
quaggavty can remove/delete any file under /etc/quagga so I don’t
think this change would give any extra permissions and it would make
configuration a lot easier.

Thanks a lot for your time.

Carlos Ramos

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