On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 5:12 AM Christoph Kling <
christ...@hilbert.alphasky.net> wrote:

> The package depends on default-mysql-client which in turn requires
> mariadb-client-10.0. Users not wishing to change their database
> implementation cannot opt out. Update is thus not possible. The
> problem probaby lies in default-mysql-client, because that package
> should allow other mysql variants than mariadb. For further
> information, see here:
Hi Christoph,
  The problem actually lies in how they wrote the announcement. Thanks for
the link BTW it made it quicker to resolve.

The impression I got was depend on default-mysql-client and it would sort
out which one to use. That is actually incorrect. default-mysql-client
pulls in mariadb-client only and virtual-mysql-client pulls in mysql-client
only.  It's rather interesting logic, to say the least. After a while
looking through what depends on what it is clearer now.

I probably should have ignored everything and only read the TL;DR first few
lines of the announcement and blindly used those in the first place.
There will be a new wordpress package that has things like "Depends:
default-mysql-client | virtual-mysql-client" That second package should
mean you're safe to upgrade wordpress AND keep mysql.

 - Craig

Craig Small (@smallsees)   http://dropbear.xyz/     csmall at : enc.com.au
Debian GNU/Linux           http://www.debian.org/   csmall at : debian.org
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