Ole Streicher <oleb...@debian.org> writes:

> On 09.12.2016 08:37, Philip Hands wrote:
>>> On Wed, 07 Dec 2016, Philip Hands wrote:
>>>> It could be much improved by making it more obvious that the heading is
>>>> a heading.  Even if we're unable to stop headings having a checkbox, we
>>>> could change the text and the hierarchy slightly to be something like
>>>> this:
>>>>    [ ]  === Debian Desktop Environments:
>>>>    [x]  ... Gnome
>>> [...]
>>>> Would that cheer people up without needing a major rewrite of tasksel?
> This improves the situation, and could probably done quite simple at the
> same place where the ellipsis (...) is introduced:
> https://sources.debian.net/src/tasksel/3.38/tasksel.pl/#L360-L366
> One just needs to find out here that it is actually a heading.
>> I think that should be a select, rather than a multi-select:
>>  -->  standard desktop (will install $DESKTOP)  <--
>>       standard server  (includes ssh)
>>       other use cases
>> (or however the UI presents it)
>> The reason for the extra bits in brackets is that I've always thought
>> the tasksel menu was hiding just a little too much of what was meant by
>> the options.
> I would vote for that, however we would need
> 1. someone willing *and* competent (the latter excludes myself) to
> implement this in tasksel,

Just to test things out, if one adds:


to the kernel command line (so, hitting TAB as the installer's boot menu)
it will tweaks d-i to have such a menu.

I suspect that the way it works could be improved (it could probably be
plumbed into tasksel itself) but it seems to do the trick, and should
let people have a play and give feedback without needing to create new
.iso images.

I've tried it interactively, but not yet with preseeding, which will
need either this to be changed to chain into your preseed, or vice versa
(if you can work out how, feel free to give that a try and see if you
can find what it breaks :-) ).

The files that do the trick are here:  http://hands.com/d-i/bug/846002/

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|-|  http://www.hands.com/    http://ftp.uk.debian.org/
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,    GERMANY

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