On 05-Sep-2016, Sergio Durigan Junior wrote:

> […] from my recent experience packaging some JS libs, I fear that
> the building issue will not be solved in the near future.

I have packaged the two remaining JavaScript libraries that were
blocking this RFP, ‘jquery-at.js’ and ‘jquery-caret.js’.

I don't understand Grunt or Gulp, but from what I could tell those
were just being used for typical build tasks. I do understand Make, so
I reproduced the build tasks in Debian's ‘rules’ makefile :-)

Please try the library packages (they are currently in ‘experimental’)
and let me know whether they are sufficient to allow Pagure packaging
to continue.

 \        “I knew it was a shocking thing to say, but … no-one has the |
  `\        right to spend their life without being offended.” —Philip |
_o__)                                              Pullman, 2010-03-28 |
Ben Finney <bign...@debian.org>

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