reopen 847196

Please don't reply personally (unless you want to share
some private info)!  Either to bugtracker, or
add CC to bugtracker.

Meanwhile, bug reopened.  Perhaps, backport is still broken.
(Also, co-mantainers, please use git!)

BTW, I can't reproduce this yet.  Perhaps, this related somehow with
your configuration.

On Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 12:49:39PM +0100, Arthur Hoffmann wrote:
> When I do this commands, the process is running for a moment:
> sudo service monit start && ps aux | grep monit
> [ ok ] Starting daemon monitor: monit.
> root      5663  0.0  0.0  34564   864 ?        D    12:35   0:00
> /usr/bin/monit -c /etc/monit/monitrc
> arthur       5682  0.0  0.0   6268   724 pts/0    S+   12:35   0:00 grep
> monit
> Than 2 seconds later I check it again and the process is away:
> sudo ps aux | grep monit
> arthur       5689  0.0  0.0   6268   724 pts/0    S+   12:36   0:00 grep
> monit
> Than I do sudo tail -n 5 /var/log/monit.log:
> [CET Dec  6 16:07:57] info     : '' Monit started
> [CET Dec  7 12:35:49] info     : Starting monit daemon with http interface
> at [*:2812]
> [CET Dec  7 12:35:49] info     : Starting monit HTTP server at [*:2812]
> [CET Dec  7 12:35:49] info     : monit HTTP server started
> [CET Dec  7 12:35:49] info     : '' Monit started
> I could not debug it with the "-lv" switch (it does nothing):
> sudo /usr/bin/monit -lv -c /etc/monit/monitrc

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