tags 847820 + pending

Hello Santiago and Aaron,

On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 12:17:00AM +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
> Patch (untested) based on the hints by Aaron.
> (I would also remove the CURDIR thing, it's not required).

I disagree a little bit on this point, explicit is better than implicit.

> BTW: Please consider uploading in source-only form (dpkg-buildpackage -S).
> It's always a good thing to have official build logs here:
> https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=kicad

thanks for your suggestions. I picked them mostly up and had already
prepared a similar fix. As I'm not the maintainer it's up to Georges to
take or leave my changes. So I pushed the latest changes only to my WIP
tree on GitHub.



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