Control: retitle -1 ibm-3270: move from non-free to main

On Wed, 2016-12-14 at 15:12 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:

> Also, I can't find anything non-free in the licenses, should this
> package move from non-free to main?

As discussed with waldi on IRC, Bug #388691 indicates that the GTRC
license is the only problematic license. The package has been
relicensed to a BSD license in version 3.3.9ga11, two versions after
the move from main to non-free in 3.3.7p2-1. I can't find any mention
of the problematic public use license in the current version of ib-3270 
in Debian, 3.3.14ga11-1. Everything looks 3-clause BSD licensed now.


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