* Jacek Politowski wrote:
> On my current hardware I can't hit ball at full strength.
> (not exactly true, but you'll find out later)
> It always gets hit at about 8-10% of full strength, always the same
> value, after the same time.
> After some testing I managed to find out it's the matter of autorepeat
> times of keyboard.
> When I turn off autorepeat ('xset r off') BillardGL works fine (but the
> rest of my system doesn't - autorepeat is quite useful and nice feature)
> So, this bug renders BillardGL practically useless to me.

Hi Jacek!

Thanks for the bug report. What you are describing in indeed a known problem.
The problem is not with billard-gl however, but due to glutIgnoreKeyRepeat()
being broken in freeglut3 2.2.0. You can find further information in the bug
reports for #248201[1] and #293687[2] (with a couple of workarounds).

> This bug is reported to upstream author,
> http://www.ameds.de/billardgl/read.php?f=4&i=1&t=1
> but BillardGL seems practically dead upstream, so forwarding bug
> to Tobias Nopper probably won't solve the problem.

Upstream was practically inactive until fairly recently. They are currently
planning a complete rewrite of billard-gl and are considering using SDL.

> I tried to sort things out myself, but plenty of BillardGL code is
> written/documented in German (eg. variable names).
> So, unfortunately, I had to give up trying to analyze program to make
> useful patch.

I recommend you try the workarounds that I have proposed in [2].

> Anyway. It seems that BillardGL tries to read key events at level way
> too low, which leads to trouble on certain, specific hardware.

billard-gl's handling of key events is not at fault here. It is freeglut3
that is broken in this regard.

Hope this helps.


[1]: http://bugs.debian.org/248201
[2]: http://bugs.debian.org/293687

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