On Dec/14, Maximilian Hils wrote:
> Upstream here. If there's anything we can do to make your life easier,
> please let us know!
> We only list known compatible versions in setup.py as we'd like to
> avoid running around with the fire extinguisher every time one of our
> dependencies publishes an backwards-incompatible release. We had too
> many cases where $dependency broke `pip install mitmproxy` and this
> seems to be the best way to avoid this.
> I am not very familiar with Debian packaging policies, so I don't know
> what's the best way to handle this here. We're usually compatible with
> the most recent version of every dependency at release time and we do
> track our dependencies on master quite closely:
> https://requires.io/github/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/requirements/?branch=master

Hi Maximilian,

thanks for the input, it's really appreciated to have upstream authors
chime in on bug reports even though they're not being directly

Ideally, your setup.py wouldn't include versioned dependencies unless
they are indicative of actual incompatibilities with mimtproxy. However,
I can see where you come from, trying to protect yourself from
backwards-incompatible releases.

The requirements you provide at requires.io do help a bit, mostly in
validating that some of the libraries packaged in Debian unstable right
now won't break mitmproxy, but they still all include "<x.y".

Maybe the best course of action for Debian is to not use upper
boundaries on dependencies at all ? You state that "we're usually
compatible with the most recent version of every dependency at release
time", so in theory this should be fine. In case of
backwards-incompatible releases, unstable would be somewhat on the front
line, and thus would serve as an early warning to you when we encounter
breakages :)



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