Hi Chris,

On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 10:08:53AM -0500, Chris Fields via RT wrote:
> It's now on CPAN:
> https://metacpan.org/pod/Bio::Coordinate

Thanks a lot for the quick confirmation.
> I had actually pushed a release out a month ago but it apparently didn't 
> index correctly (it needed a module with the same name as the distribution).  
> Let me know if this works!

I just noticed that the issue with libbio-graphics-perl is even more
complex than just a missing Bio::Coordinate.  I noticed that other
packages that are depending from libbio-graphics-perl are failing to
build[1].  May be the only quick solution is to revert the bump of
BioPerl version for the moment (= before the next stable release of
Debian) and try upgrading later.

I'll keep you informed if I might find any problem with Bio::Coordinate.

Just for the sake of interest: Is there any specific reason to outsource
Bio::Coordinate from BioPerl?

Kind regards


[1] https://bugs.debian.org/848236


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