On Sat, 17 Dec 2016, Joey Hess wrote:

> Peter Palfrader wrote:
> > So, maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I have configured a hidden
> > service socket in /var/lib/bla/sock, and I can access it just fine
> > without listing that directory in either the apparmor nor the systemd
> > service file.
> root@elephant:~> tail -n 2 /etc/tor/torrc
> HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/tesths
> HiddenServicePort 9999 unix:/var/lib/bla/sock
> root@elephant:~> service tor restart # waited for it to finish bootstrap
> root@elephant:~> cd /var/lib
> root@elephant:/var/lib> mkdir bla
> root@elephant:/var/lib> cd bla
> root@elephant:/var/lib/bla> socat UNIX-LISTEN:sock STDIO &
> root@elephant:/var/lib/bla> chmod 777 sock
> root@elephant:/var/lib/bla> ls -l sock
> srwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 17 18:38 sock=
> root@elephant:/var/lib/bla> ls -ld `pwd`
> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 17 18:42 /var/lib/bla/
> root@elephant:/var/lib/bla> cat /var/lib/tor/tesths/hostname 
> r7ymlfhfbpp5cfny.onion
> root@elephant:/var/lib/bla> torsocks telnet r7ymlfhfbpp5cfny.onion 9999
> Trying
> The telnet never connects. Tor is silently refusing to use /var/lib/bla/sock.
> Following the exact same procedure, but with /etc/tor/sock as the socket,
> the telnet connects successfully.
> Note that this only seems to happen when tor is started by systemd.
> When I run the daemon manually, it is able to use sockets elsewhere.
> My assumption, which may be wrong, is that systemd is loading the
> apparmor config. There may be other situations where that does not happen;
> dunno.
> Complete tor log after the transcript above:
> Dec 17 22:49:31.000 [notice] Tor (git-cabd4ef300c6b3d6) opening log 
> file.

Can you retry with an info level log (see Tor#21019[1]), and maybe
strace -p <pid> -e connect the process while you're at it?

Also, which kernel and which systemd?

I had tried it on sid, using systemd 232-8, tor,
and 4.8.0-2-amd64 with apparmor enabled to boot.

| HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/other_hidden_service/
| HiddenServicePort 80 unix:/var/lib/bla/sock

} socat UNIX-LISTEN:/var/lib/bla/sock,mode=0666,fork -
] torsocks telnet <onion>.onion 80
connect to the socat.

Also works for me using from sid with apparmor disabled.

I also tried a socket in /home/weasel, but that didn't work (probably
due to ProtectHome=yes).


1: https://bugs.torproject.org/21019
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