On 2016-12-19 00:06:06, Dmitry Bogatov wrote:
> [2016-12-17 11:15] Antoine Beaupré <anar...@debian.org>
>> part       text/plain                5082
>> Adding the base-passwd maintainers to the conversation. TL;DR: this is
>> about the new dh-sysuser wrapper to more easily create system users in
>> package maintainer scripts. I want to see how we can make piuparts happy
>> and cleanup properly after ourselves (by removing the user on purge) and
>> that may involve a registry of UIDs which seems to be maintained in
>> base-passwd now.
> Why go all this trouble to just purge system user? While I do appreciate
> this nit-picking spirit, it is aganist spirit of Debian.
> After all, leftover system user is just one extra line in /etc/passwd
> and one more wasted UID, but we have ~32k of them.
> Also, your proposals require significant complications in dh-sysuser
> code, which is aganinst my spirit. Practicality beats purity.

I find it rather unfortunate that you characterize my work as
"nitpicking". I thought i provided a well-reasoned rationale of why
managed user ids are useful beyond just "wasting UIDs" (which I haven't
made as an argument at all).

I am not sure what "spirit of Debian" you are refering to. Does my
proposal go against a specific policy item or the social contract? Is
there a spiritual guide I have failed to read in my last decade of

But I understand my argument is not well received so I will go back in
my hole of mutual ignorance.

Have fun,

La propriété est un piège: ce que nous croyons posséder nous possède.
                        - Alphonse Karr

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