* Christian Beier <christian.cb.be...@googlemail.com> [161219 23:35]:
> So, honestly, I don't know what should happen when the original author of some
> project apparently goes MIA. (Are you there, Karl?) Can the community simply
> "take over" the project or should https://github.com/LibVNC/x11vnc technically
> considered to be a fork?
> What is Debian's experience with situations like that? I'm sure stuff like 
> this
> has happened before...

This is mostly for the package maintainer in Debian to decide; often "taking
the one active fork" is the only option one has, but not always the correct

I'm sure Fathi will do the right thing once the key situation is
sorted :-)

Maybe Vagrant (in CC, as one of his packages depends on x11vnc) also
has input on the fork.

christian hofstaedtler <z...@debian.org>

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