control: tag -1 wontfix
control: close -1

[2016-12-17 04:36] Jason Downs <>
> part 2     text/plain                 454
> Hi,
> This was recently brought to my attention.
> I would point out that neither of these are actually bugs.
> First, the unconditional fsync() was intentional behavior.  At worst,
> it's a NOP as the file will likely be flushed momentarily anyway.
> Secondly, the gdbm_close() function is meant to approximate the
> behavior of the dbm_close() function, which is specified in the
> standards as a void function. Hence, there's no reason to check return
> values.

So here is upstream position. While my opinion differs about void
`gdbm_close', I do not have strong enough reason to work hard to
persuade. As such, closing as wontfix.

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