control: owner -1 ! control: tags -1 moreinfo >I'd appreciate it if a friendly DD could have a look at this >package and sponsor it. Thanks. :)
1) chmod a-x debian/ondir/usr/share/ondir/integration/* why no dh_fixperms override? 2) CFLAGS_FOR_MAKEFILE=$(shell dpkg-buildflags --get CPPFLAGS) $(shell dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS) -DVERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" -DGLOBAL_CONF=\"/etc/onddirrc\" I prefer CFLAGS and then CPPFLAGS LDFLAGS_FOR_MAKEFILE=$(shell dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS) $(shell dpkg-buildflags --get LDFLAGS) why CFLAGS in LDFLAGS? why override dh_auto_build and dh_auto_install? probably exporting LDFLAGS and CFLAGS should work 3) please ask upstream about the "+" in license 4) missing hardening flags G.