Control: retitle -1 clarify syntax of ‘cancel’ command for queue control
Control: tags -1 + help

On 12-Apr-2016, Neil Williams wrote:

> >From the manpage:
>        If you've uploaded packages with  the  --delayed  option  (uploaded  to
>        DEFERRED queue), then use the cancel command with a .changes file.
>            $ dcut cancel dput_0.9.4_i386.changes

I notice that this example, and the description of the ‘cancel’
command at <URL:>,
only ever show a base filename (with no directory).

> $ dcut cancel  ../pytest-django_2.9.1-2.1_amd64.changes

Whereas this command has a directory in the path (‘../’). That might
be a salient difference.

Is this constraint – the argument to ‘cancel’ *must* be a base
filename only – imposed by the upload queue processor? If so, the

> .commands file has invalid Commands line: cancel 
> ../pytest-django_2.9.1-2.1_amd64.changes
> debsign: .commands file appears to be invalid. see:
> for valid format

is not very helpful, because the referenced document does not make
that constraint plain.

I'm casting this to ‘debian-devel’ for confirmation whether this is
actually the problem. Can someone with knowledge of the upload queue
processing clarify this?

 \     “Whatever a man prays for, he prays for a miracle. Every prayer |
  `\   reduces itself to this: “Great God, grant that twice two be not |
_o__)                                           four.”” —Ivan Turgenev |
Ben Finney <>

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